Five Eyes Oversight Organizations Meet in London

Five Eyes Oversight Organizations Meet in London

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Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael K. Atkinson, along with the Inspectors General from the United States Department of Justice, National Geospatial-Intelligence Office, and National Security Agency, attended the annual meeting of the Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council (the FIOR Council) held in London from October 15-17, 2019. Each of the Five Eyes countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, has organizations responsible for examining the legality of its intelligence activities. During this year’s conference, hosted by the United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO), representatives gave updates on developments in their jurisdictions, changes in legislation, and good practice to date. Participants explored ways of encouraging transparency and enhancing public trust while maintaining national security requirements. The participants also discussed the importance of independence.